Hello Mailinglist,
The JSON-Output in the Opensearch-Modul has a few mistakes.
First, a JSON-String have to start with an '{' and ends with '}'
but http://de.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=Te gives me ["Te",["TE","Te","Te 2/2","Te Ana-au Caves","Te Anau","Te Aroha","Te Atairangikaahu","Te Atua Mou E","Te Aupouri","Te Aup\u014duri"]]
also, there are not so much informations as in the xml-output.
I want to propose a better output-formating, that is more confirm (all other json-outputs are in this form):
http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=thMx..&search=to{ "opensearch" : { "query":"Te", "items" : [ { "title": "TE", "description": "Te 2/2 ist eine Sammelbezeichnung für zweiachsige, elektrisch betriebene Rangiertraktoren in der Schweiz.", "url": "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Te_2/2", "image": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Filisur_RhB_71.JPG/..." } , { .... (the same for the next result) ... }, .... (and all results) ... ] } }
Is it possible to change that in the api-module?
cu, Michael Stummvoll