Kathleen Borja wrote:
Thanks. But, still,i can't try those things you've said. The server to where my project is stored is still not operating :[ For the meantime, my friend let me access another server. So, i have uploaded my files there. After clicking my link, no main page was displayed instead it says: ==================================================================== MediaWiki requires PHP 5.0.0 or higher. You are running PHP 4.4.8. You may be able to use MediaWiki using a .php5 file extension. ==================================================================== We've checked that it's actually running php 5.2.6 and not php 4.4.8..How come it says it's running PHP 4.4.8. So, my friend can't help me with this one..
So, i can't fix the bug. :[ i wanna try those asap.
MediaWiki is being run on that server by PHP4, which is unsupported. Check the server config. The box may have both php4 and php5 installed. Did you try accessing index.php5 instead of index.php?