On 25.05.2008, 22:20 Bryan wrote:
I think I added that hook on the wrong place. It should probably somewhere after the title has been set.
...or not. It appears that the error occurs because $wgTitle is not set. It should probably be set to something sensible or $wgOut should be set to a fake object that does nothing.
Probably, something like FauxOutputPage should relly be made, but it would add extra time to load it and actual OutputPage from which it will inherit. So my proposed patch modifies AssertEdit's behaviour to depend on entry point and not to output anything if it's called from API.
-- Best regards, Max Semenik ([[User:MaxSem]])
Thanks for the patch, but I don't really like how it depends on $GLOBAL['processor'] to check whether we are running through the api. There should be a more sane way to detect runnage via the API and if there is not, it really should be made.
How about define( 'API' ); in api.php just before constructing ApiMain?