On 20.02.2013, 21:46 Ewa wrote:
Thank you very much for your answer.
I have triggered the maintenace/refreshLinks.php and it is still running.
For the extensions/PageImages/initImageData.php I got the following error:
The last attempted database query was: "DELETE FROM `geo_tags` WHERE gt_page_id = '12'" from within function "GeoDataHooks::doDumbUpdate". Database returned error "1146: Table 'wikimirror.geo_tags' doesn't exist (localhost)"
You didn't install GeoData properly - run update.php
I have also noticed the the page_images table is not created unless I run the script manually. It is not being populated at all now while the maintenace/refreshLinks.php is running also. Is this table a source for PageImages API?
Current design for PageImages (the one deployed on Wikimedia wikis) doesn't require a separate table.