I am trying to update/create articles on our Wiki using the mediawiki API (using last version found on http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/includes/api)
Login phase (action=login) works correctly and returns <LoginToken> and <LoginUserId> information.
Then I try to retrieve the token of one page using query action with following parameters: <WIKIURL>/api.php?action=query&titles=<PageName>&prop=info&intoken=edit&lgtoken=<LoginToken>&lgusername=<MyLogin>&lguserid=<LoginUserId>
Unfortunatelly, I always get the following response (xml format), what ever the login used (even if user has Sysopt rights): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><api><error code="inpermissiondenied" info="Action 'edit' is not allowed for the current user" /></api>
I don't understand this error and don't find documentation about it. Do I need to configure a specific parameter on Wiki to allow "edit" ?
Thanks for your help.
Marion Leclerc