Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
I would like some feedback on the issue of how to allow API users to prove who they are without using a cookie (some clients simply do not support them), but instead pass all relevant information in the URL/POST.
The login api module returns userID, userName, and userToken - all necessary parts of a cookie. The client should be able to pass those values in the URL, which should override the browser cookie (or lack thereof), and instead resume the session specified.
The $_SESSION object gets initialized based on the cookie before the php code starts. In order to resume the session, I could set $_SESSION['wsUserID'], $_SESSION['wsUserName'], $_SESSION['wsToken'] to the URL values, and set $wgUser = User::newFromSession() before any other operations.
Does this introduce any security risks? Is there another way to solve this?
This makes sense to me. Passing the ?PHPSESSID= query string should be a perfectly acceptable alternative to cookies; that's for what it was made. As for Jonathan mentioned, though: You might want to include the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] in $_SESSION and then check it when authenticating the user. Bots' IP addresses should not be changing in the middle of a run, and it could prevent replay attacks like those he describes.
-madman bum and angel