Dear Sir or Madam:
Hope this email finds you well.
I am writing this email for a consultation on your French dictionary services.
We are Fotoable (Beijing Fotoable Technology Limited, visit us on click the button on the top right to switch the language to English), founded in 2011, a leading mobile applications developer in China. located in Beijing, China, focusing on the mobile application development. I am Yiran LI, responsible for French applications planning.
Currently, Fotoable plans to develop a French word game, Word Crossy (, of which the English and German versions are already available online, on both IOS and Android platforms. Therefore, in order to develop the French version, we would need the right of references of the sources of a dictionary (French monologue) in the application, so that our players could look up the explanations and examples of the words in the game.
That's why we send you this email, to consult on the details below:
1. The dictionary services are available is which form, API, or the words database file ?
2. What are the rates (price) ?
3. About volume, how many entries and lemmas are included in the given database?
4. Is the API or database available for advanced development (customization)?
5. Once payment is made, how many applications will be entitled to use the API or database reference (respectively)?
6. Will the reproduction of the logo be authorized, in the APP when player looking up the vocabularies?
7. Could you send them to us a sample of the API or database?
Many thanks in advance for your answers to these questions.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Kind Regards,
Yiran LI
Madame/ Monsieur,
Je me permets de vous écrire ce mail pour une consultation sur vos services.
Nous sommes Fotoable ( Beijing Fotoable Technology Limited : cliquez le bouton en haut à droite pour changer la langue vers anglais), une entreprise internet, situé à Pékin, Chine, focalisant sur le développement des applications mobile. Je suis Yiran LI, responsable pour des planifications des applications francaises.
Actuellement, Fotoable envisage de développer un jeu de mots français, Word Crossy ( ), dont les versions anglaise et allemande sont déjà disponibles en ligne, sur les plateforme IOS et Android. Par conséquent, pour développer la version française, nous aurions besoins du droit de références des sources d’un dictionnaire (français monologue) dans l’application.
C’est pour cela que nous vous adressons ce lettre, afin de vous consulter sur les détails ci-dessous :
1. Sous quelle forme se vend le service de dictionnaire, API ou le dossier du base de données des mots?
2. Quel sont les tarifs?
3. A propos de volume, combien d’entrées et de lemmes y a-il inclus dans le base donnée proposé ?
4. Est-ce que le API ou base de données sont disponibles pour le développement avancé (personnalisation) ?
5. Une fois le paiement effectué, le référence de API ou base de données seront disponible pour combien d’applications (respectivement)?
6. La reproduction du logo sera-t-elle authorisée (afin que les joueurs puissent connaitre la source des explications et exemples des mots dans l'applications) ?
7. Pourriez-vous nous envoyer un sample/Spécimen du API ou base de données ?
Nous vous remercions par avance pour vos réponses à ces questions.
Dans cette attente, veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, nos salutations distinguées.
Yiran LI
李颐然丨Yiran LI
Manager and Game designer at Fotoable
Mobile:+86 18610883603
Address:402, Building B6-C, Dongsheng Science and Technology Park, Haidian District, Beijing
Beijing Fotoable Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2011, is one of the leading mobile application Developers in China, mainly focuses on developing and operating mobile image processing and other utilities applications, also known as “Top Developer” which is awarded by Google Play.
Hi Everyone,
Over the last few months, the Wikimedia Developer Advocacy team has been
working to improve technical documentation for the MediaWiki Action API
So far, we have:
- Started efforts to revise, simplify, and reorganize the MediaWiki
Action API pages on MediaWiki using a new documentation template for
- Updated the API navigation-template:
As we continue to make improvements to the technical documentation, we
could use your help to better guide our efforts!
Would you please take a few moments to complete the following survey and
share your opinions and experiences with us?
*Notes about the Mediawiki Action API Survey:*
*Survey Period: *December 6, 2018 - January 6, 2019
*Privacy Policy:* This survey will be conducted via a third-party service,
which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy
and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement…
Thanks for your participation!
Sarah R. Rodlund
Technical Writer, Developer Advocacy