Hi all,
Just as my work at the British Library is coming to an end, I'm delighted to be able to tell people about a new Wikimedian in Residence post at the National Library of Scotland - I've helped work to set this up, and I think there's a real potential for doing amazing things here. The NLS is a great institution, with some really innovative and forward-thinking work, and as well as the obvious strengths in Scottish history and culture they have major map collections and one of the most interesting publishing archives in the UK. Lots of scope for interesting projects here.
It's full-time, for four months, though this may possibly be negotiable to a longer period at part time - it's worth asking. The job is paid and formally employed by the Library, funded jointly by the Library and by Wikimedia UK. http://blog.wikimedia.org.uk/2013/04/1533/ has further details and a link to the NLS recruitment site.
Please circulate this widely!