Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov(a)>
Date: Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 7:41 PM
Subject: Digest of Wikimedia Clinic #003; Wikimedia Clinic #004 happening
in an hour
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>
Dear Wikimedians,
The digest from Wikimedia Clinic[0] #003 has been published[1].
And here's a reminder that you are invited to attend Clinic #004, about to
take place at 17:30 UTC (in under an hour as of this posting), at the
Google Meet link below[2].
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
Note the opportunity of a Spanish-language call!
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov(a)>
Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Digest of Wikimedia Clinic #002; updates on schedule; Wikimedia
clinic in Spanish!
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>
Dear Wikimedians,
We have now published the digest of Wikimedia Clinic #002[1]. If you missed
previous announcements about the Wikimedia Clinic idea, please see its page
on Meta[2].
As announced, it contains a compact summary of the topics discussed,
augmented by links and some follow-up information that was not available
during the call. I invite you to skim the topic list and see if there's
something of interest for you.
Upcoming Wikimedia Clinic calls are:
Call #004 - Sunday(!), June 28th, 17:30 UTC [3]
Call #005 - Wednesday, July 1st, 17:30 UTC [4]
Also, we are experimenting with a Wikimedia Clinic in Spanish! It is still
being scheduled, and I will keep you posted as soon as the date and time
are known. That call will be held primarily in Spanish (everyone is
welcome, of course), and will welcome discussions in Spanish.
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov(a)>
Date: Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 8:05 AM
Subject: Wikimedia Clinic #003 today at 08:00 UTC
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>
Dear Wikimedians,
A quick reminder that we will be having another Wikimedia Clinic open call
today, in about three hours, at 08:00 UTC.
The Wikimedia Clinics calls are open video calls (using Google Meet) where
any active Wikimedian is welcome to attend and ask questions or ask for
advice about whatever Wikimedia-related goal or problem they're working
on.You can also just share what you're working on and invite feedback, even
if you don't have a specific question. Or people can just connect to hang
out, or to offer their own experience to the people asking questions.
It's relaxed and informal. The calls are a Friendly space
<>. Attendees are
expected to:
- Listen with patience and respect.
- Share your experience, but remember others' contexts are very diverse,
and may not match yours.
- Be of service.
The Google Meet link is
NOTE: I know the Branding project is still a topic of interest and debate
for many of you. While you are welcome to bring it up during a clinic and
share thoughts with each other, I'm afraid this upcoming call won't have
new information from WMF's side beyond the last communication from the
Board, and those interested in further engagement on the topic would be
able to get more answers on the same general channels on Meta and the
Wikimedia-l mailing list they have already been using. Again, the topic is
not taboo on the Wikimedia Clinic, but I do want to set expectations for
people who may only attend hoping to hear new information about it.
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
Hola amigas y amigos de Iberocoop,
El equipo de Estrategia 2030 (Core Team) está orgulloso de haber alcanzado
el hito de compartir las recomendaciones finales a mediados de mayo [1].
Nos hemos comprometido con los afiliados, las comunidades, la Fundación
Wikimedia y otras contrapartes para asegurarnos que las recomendaciones y
los principios definidos sean recibidos y entendidos.
La fase 2 de la Estrategia para el Movimiento está terminando
Como ya compartimos en un correo anterior [2], la fase 2 de la Estrategia
2030 ha concluido con la finalización de las recomendaciones, poniendo fin
al trabajo de los grupos de trabajo (Working Groups), los y las
escritores/as, los y las revisores/as, las personas encargadas de generar
enlaces con la comunidad y otras personas que contribuyeron a este proceso.
Además, el equipo de la estrategia también está concluyendo su trabajo a
finales de junio. Actualmente, estamos analizando y reflexionando sobre
todo lo que hemos aprendido juntos y juntas y asegurándonos de que el
conocimiento generado en el proceso se ponga a disposición y en beneficio
del movimiento, así como también estamos trabajando en desarrollar la
transición hacia la fase de implementación.
La transición a la implementación
A partir de ahora, la atención y la colaboración se centrarán en la
implementación de las recomendaciones y trabajar para garantizar que el
proceso siga siendo abierto y transparente.
Los principios de la Estrategia del Movimiento [3] serán el marco de
orientación para garantizar que llevamos a cabo una transición realmente
inclusiva que fortalezca al Movimiento. La pandemia mundial nos obligó a
cancelar la Wikimedia Summit de este año en Berlín y lamentablemente
perdimos la oportunidad de trabajar juntos y juntas en esto. Sin embargo,
hemos ganados la oportunidad de poder ampliar el número de participantes
en las discusiones sobre la implementación. En particular, el objetivo es
mejorar la inclusión de los y las colaboradores online, las comunidades
técnicas y los grupos de usuarios y usuarias más pequeños.
La transición a la implementación debe diseñarse minuciosamente y de una
manera inclusiva, debe garantizar múltiples vías de participación y debe
iniciarse con cierta urgencia para que no perdamos el impulso que hemos
generado juntos y juntas en los dos últimos años. Las deliberaciones sobre
la implementación tendrán lugar a partir de septiembre 2020. El objetivo
es elaborar un plan de un año que identifique las partes de las
recomendaciones en las que hay que trabajar primero, con qué secuencia y
con qué recursos y estructuras de apoyo.
Convocatoria de candidaturas
Involucrar en esta transición a un número de participantes que represente
la diversidad de nuestro movimiento es un desafío grande. Por este motivo,
la Fundación Wikimedia está convocando un pequeño grupo encargado del
diseño (design group) para trabajar y colaborar en la transición hacia la
implementación; es decir, cómo va a llevarse a cabo y cómo van a
organizarse los encuentros virtuales posteriores. La idea del grupo de
diseño es reunir a miembros de la comunidad que reflejen las diferentes
partes y regiones del movimiento (CEE, ESEAP, Indaba, Iberocoop, North
America, South Asia, WikiArabia, WikiFranca), representantes de los y las
Directores/as Ejecutivos/as, los grupos de presidentes y presidentas de los
afiliados, y del equipo de la Fundación Wikimedia. Este grupo contará con
el apoyo necesario - gestión de proyectos, facilitación etc- para llevar a
cabo su trabajo.
Más allá de este grupo de diseño, el formato de trabajo será abierto, de
modo que cualquier persona interesada pueda participar, compartir
conocimientos y proporcionar retroalimentación sobre los debates y
discusiones. Queremos invitar y alentar encarecidamente a los y las
miembros de la comunidad y a los y las entusiastas de la Estrategia que no
formen parte del grupo de diseño a que proporcionen sus opiniones como
revisores, y a que posteriormente participen en los debates virtuales
finales .
Para conformar el grupo de diseño, solicitamos una nominación individual
del grupo de Iberocoop. El o la representante trabajará con un grupo
diverso de personas de todo el movimiento para diseñar cómo y de qué manera
vamos a trabajar en la siguiente fase.En este sentido:
El o la nominado/a debe estar familiarizado con el movimiento Wikimedia,
interesado/a en la estrategia, e idealmente un/a contribuyente activo/a de
los proyectos online O de una comunidad subrepresentada.
El trabajo está programado para comenzar la tercera semana de junio y
está previsto que concluya a finales de julio.
Durante este tiempo, se reunirá 5 veces virtualmente durante dos horas
cada vez y se espera que realice algún trabajo asincrónico entre las
Por favor, también consideren los criterios de diversidad.
Tradicionalmente, hubo una falta de colaboradores de las comunidades
técnicas y online en los debates. Además, hubo una inclinación hacia los
participantes masculinos y los de países “occidentales”. Esperamos que
ustedes nos pueden ayudar en crear un grupo más diverso.
Estamos organizando también reuniones para despejar las posibles dudas el
miércoles, 10 de junio a las 17:00 UTC (en Google Meet
<>) y el jueves, 11 de Junio a las
08:00 UTC (en Google Meet <>) Del mismo
modo, estamos disponibles para aclarar cualquier duda o pregunta a través
de correo electrónico, en la wiki o a través de redes sociales.
Les pedimos, por favor, nos indiquen a su candidato/a antes de 22 de junio a
este mismo correo y a [strategy2030(a)] - en copia .
¡Esperamos recibir muy pronto al nominado/a de Iberocoop para el grupo de
diseño de la transición de la Estrategia 2030!
Mientras tanto, ante cualquier pregunta no duden en contactarnos.
Abrazos y saludos,
Cornelius Kibelka
Internationale Beziehungen | International Relations
Vorstandsteam | Office of the ED
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
Keep up to date! Current news and exciting stories about Wikimedia,
Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in our newsletter (in German): Subscribe now
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov(a)>
Date: Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 3:53 AM
Subject: Wikimedia Clinic #001 digest and future calls
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>
Dear Wikimedians,
This is an update on the Wikimedia Clinics[1] pilot:
On June 15th we hosted the first Wikimedia Clinic call. It was well
attended (~25 volunteers, not counting WMF staff), with a good mix of
experience levels and countries of origin. As promised, we publish a
*digest* of the call[1], edited for clarity and brevity, and aiming for
maximal value to readers whether or not they attended the call, with links
and information added after the call to complement the information given
during it.
To accommodate different time zones, we are about to host the second
Wikimedia Clinic in a few hours, June 17th at 8:00am UTC. The meeting link
is [3].
We have also added three more Wikimedia Clinic time slots, which you can
always see in the Clinics page on Meta[1], where the meeting links are
given too. I also paste the times here for your convenience:
Wednesday, June 17th, 08:00am UTC (today, soon!)
Tuesday, June 23rd, 08:00am UTC
Sunday, June 28th, 17:30 UTC
Wednesday, July 1st, 17:30 UTC
We at the Community Development team are already finding this a useful
model, and have already drawn some valuable feedback that will translate
into future work from us. One example is a *movement-facing* Introduction
to the Wikimedia Foundation module (see the digest[2]).
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov(a)>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 12:28 AM
Subject: NEW: Wikimedia Clinic calls, starting June 15th
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l(a)>
Dear Wikimedians,
In these complex times of pandemic, and the coming complex times of
post-pandemic, live human contact with fellow Wikimedians, even mediated
through a video call, can be helpful, relaxing, and fun. It can also offer
opportunities to ask questions you have been meaning to ask but never got
around to, or to explain complex situations that may be hard to articulate
in writing.
To better support members of the community during this time, the Community
Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is interested in trying an
experiment: scheduling open video calls (using Google Meet) where any
active Wikimedian would be welcome to attend and ask questions or ask for
advice about whatever Wikimedia-related goal or problem they're working on.
You can also just share what you're working on and invite feedback, even if
you don't have a specific question. Or people can just connect to hang out,
or to offer their own experience to the people asking questions.
We are thinking of calling these calls Wikimedia Clinics, and would host
them once a week (in alternating time zones, to accommodate as many people
as possible).
Each clinic session:
* would be 70-120 minutes in length depending on topics presented and
volume of conversation
* would have at least two Wikimedia Foundation staff members guaranteed to
be present. They are not guaranteed to have the answers you need, but they
are committed to helping you get them, even if not during the call itself,
but as later follow-up.
* would be summarized in an in-depth *digest* of the call that would be
edited for clarity and available to all volunteers interested. These notes
would link to any tools and resources mentioned on the call and will be
shared on this mailing list and archived on Meta[0].
These calls are *not* replacing any existing channels or
regularly-scheduled calls! Every channel or call you are already using
continues to exist. No important announcements will be made on these
calls, and no one should feel stressed or obligated to attend them.
Rather, they are a new form of live-communication open support calls, less
narrow in focus than some of the existing channels (where only specific
topics are expected), and, we hope, more approachable and welcoming for
people not sure whether their question or dilemma is appropriate for one of
the other channels.
If these calls are found useful, we'll try to offer them in some other
languages, to increase access to those not comfortable speaking English.
So, let's give this a try! The first two calls are scheduled for:
Monday, June 15th, 17:30 (5:30pm) UTC, and this is the Google Meet link[1].
Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event for timezone convenience[2].
Wednesday, June 17th, 08:00am UTC, and this is the Google Meet link[3].
Link to a WorldTimeBuddy event for timezone convenience[4].
Remember, there's no set agenda and no particular preparation needed. Feel
free to join us with anything Wikimedia-related that's on your mind, or
just to hang out.
Feedback and questions welcome.
Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!