<!-- Sorry for cross-posting, just want to ensure that this message reaches
a wide audience -->
Hi everyone,
The date is set for the global discussions that will kick off implementing
Movement Strategy, and everyone’s invited to attend. [1] Say hi to old
friends, meet new people, exchange ideas, and take part in discussions for
transformation. Calls will take place on November 21 and 22 at different
times to maximize global participation. You are welcome to attend any or
all. More information to come very soon.
How to participate
* Express your interest on Meta [1] and watch the space for registration
information, we’ll also make sure to keep everyone updated by email.
* Join our Telegram group [2].
In September, we asked the movement to look at the recommendations and
identify initiatives that we should work on together in 2021. [3]
Communities and affiliates have been meeting and discussing, and we are
excited to see what initiatives emerge as priorities for implementation.
[4] Whether you did this work and have your priorities in hand, are just
thinking about them, or want to learn what this is all about, join the
global conversation.
The time is now to be accountable for growing and nurturing the movement
together. We have 10 recommendations to guide the way. [5] What is
something you’d like to do in 2021? What are things we should all work on
together? The outcome of our discussions will be an 18-month movement-wide
implementation plan that we will create together.
Whether you’re a seasoned Wikimedian or a new contributor, an established
chapter, or a new user group, join the discussions. The community-led
Design Group [6] stressed the importance of continuous on-wiki engagement
and options for offline participation for those that cannot attend the
meetings. We’ll be sure to communicate these options far in advance.
What comes after?
* Another set of global meetings will take place on December 5 and 6.
* The purpose of the second set of meetings will be to take the
conversation further, coordinate the way forward, and provide an additional
opportunity for people to get together and identify their priorities in
between the meetings.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us on Meta, via
Telegram, or by email <strategy2030{{at}}wikimedia.org>. Looking forward to
engaging with you all on November 21 and 22, it’s been a while.
On behalf of the Support Team,
[1] Event page on Meta:
[2] Link to group on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/NV8jtxZkQB7aN8spsaWtYg
[4] Preparation and Prioritization events:
[5] Recommendation all-in-one:
[6] Community-led Design Group:
Kaarel Vaidla (he/him)
Movement Strategy <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/2030>
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
Olá pessoal,
Muitos de vocês devem me conhecer, mas certamente cabe aqui uma
reapresentação e um pouco de contexto. Meu nome é Celio Costa, sou um dos
membros fundadores do grupo de usuários “Wiki Movimento Brasil” (fundado
como “Wikimedia no Brasil”) e sou wikimedista há mais de 15 anos.
Sei que o histórico da relação do movimento Wikimedia no Brasil foi
atribulado, mas acredito que nosso grupo pontualmente tenha constituído um
histórico sólido de atividades positivas no movimento global e tem atuado
de forma cordial e propositiva com diversos grupos e indivíduos em nossa
comunidade. Desse modo, gostaria de registrar aqui o pedido de readmissão
ao Iberocoop em nome do grupo Wiki Movimento Brasil ( https://w.wiki/Lrx ).
*Célio Costa Filho | User:CCosta (WMB)*
*Administrative Manager | **Wiki Movimento Brasil*
*wmnobrasil.org <http://wmnobrasil.org/>*
Hola a todos, todas, todes,
Espero ante todo que estén muy bien!
Como les comenté en el correo anterior el equipo de apoyo de la estrategia
ha diseñado una serie de recursos para que podamos llevar a cabo
conversaciones/debates a nivel local en pos de priorizar las
recomendaciones en cada uno de nuestros contextos locales. Recuerden, que
más allá del encuentro que vamos a tener a nivel regional, también es
importante que como grupos locales definamos en qué queremos trabajar, cómo
y qué necesitamos para ello.
En este sentido y perdonen la tardanza (estaba traduciéndolos) les mando a
continuación los recursos en cuestión:
* Guía y agenda para la llevar a cabo los eventos de priorización
* Plantilla para definir las prioridades
Idealmente la plantilla debemos mandarla durante octubre al equipo de la
estrategia: strategy2030(a)wikimedia.org
Por otro lado, aquí van los horarios para la próxima reunión de estrategia:
*Lunes 5 de Octubre*
*Horario: 12:00 - 13pm Buenos Aires (UTC-3)*
*Lunes 5 de Octubre*
*Horario: 14pm- 15pm Buenos Aires (UTC-3)*
Les mandaré el enlace de manera personal a quienes se anotaron. Si alguien
no se anotó y quiere participar, pueden escribirme!
Díganme si tienen alguna duda?
pd: los adjuntos están en PDF pero también los tengo en google docs. Avisen
si prefieren ese formato y os lo mando!
Anna Torres Adell
Directora Ejecutiva
*A.C. Wikimedia Argentina*