Hi folks,
I would like to inform you about the disambiguation and promotional pages we have created on cs.wv adressing aims of the International Year of Languages: http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_rok_jazyk%C5%AF
"The year 2008 was declared the International Year of Languages by the United Nations, in a resolution passed on 16 May 2007. The Year is intended to address issues of linguistic diversity (in the context of cultural diversity), respect for all languages, and multilingualism." (International Year of Languages. (2008, July 19). In *Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia*. Retrieved 09:53, August 9, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=International_Year_of_Languages&am... )
The aim of the page on Wikiversity is to collect all courses and reasearch project addressing language teaching and research, multilingualism and culture diversity. It has to promote also other courses in the area. The participatns may advertise the page, animate new people and groups interested in the language education; organise conferences, workshops, etc.
What is on this page: http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_rok_jazyk%C5%AF
*introduction, about the Year and about the Page *aims of the project (disambiguation, promotion, advertising, support for other Wikimedia projects in the area, off-line meetings, make a booklet and evaluation on the end of the year) *volunteers *links to offical projects coordinated by UNESCO *links to the wikiversity projects *other projects (usually off-line/live)
Simmilar pages were created of Potato, Sanitation, Astronomy, etc. Years.
2008/8/9 Juan de Vojníkov juandevojnikov@gmail.com
Hi folks,
I would like to inform you about the disambiguation and promotional pages we have created on cs.wv adressing aims of the International Year of Languages: http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_rok_jazyk%C5%AF
"The year 2008 was declared the International Year of Languages by the United Nations, in a resolution passed on 16 May 2007. The Year is intended to address issues of linguistic diversity (in the context of cultural diversity), respect for all languages, and multilingualism." (International Year of Languages. (2008, July 19). In *Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia*. Retrieved 09:53, August 9, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=International_Year_of_Languages&am... )
The aim of the page on Wikiversity is to collect all courses and reasearch project addressing language teaching and research, multilingualism and culture diversity. It has to promote also other courses in the area. The participatns may advertise the page, animate new people and groups interested in the language education; organise conferences, workshops, etc.
What is on this page: http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Mezin%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_rok_jazyk%C5%AF
*introduction, about the Year and about the Page *aims of the project (disambiguation, promotion, advertising, support for other Wikimedia projects in the area, off-line meetings, make a booklet and evaluation on the end of the year) *volunteers *links to offical projects coordinated by UNESCO *links to the wikiversity projects *other projects (usually off-line/live)