I have a non-profit GPL database of distance learning courses at http://www.gnacademy.org/ and I'd really like to integrate that data with wikiversity. The Globewide Network Academy is the result of a previous effort to start an online university and I think there are a lot of lessons we learned in the 1990's that would be useful for wikiversity-l.
There are already a lot of places that already can grant degrees online. Some of them such as Charter Oak, Thomas Edison State College, and Excelsior College give academic credit for prior learning and it wouldn't be difficult to structure wikiversity learning experience that can get converted to academic credit. Combine accreditation from TESC with MIT open courseware and social networks provided by wikiversity, and it seems pretty straightforward to come up with an accreditted degree program. Part of what I've been doing is to try to create a degree plan for physics, but unfortunately I haven't had time to contact anyone at TESC, Charter Oak, or Excelsior.
The other thing that I'd like to see is a market place for tutors. Right now University of Phoenix hires adjunct faculty to work at extremely low pay, with most of the money going to the university. What I'd like to see is a marketplace where teachers and students can interact directly, this would allow people who now have to teach at University of Phoenix to deal directly with students with some huge cost savings.
The idea that I'd like to present is one of an "academic ecosystem" in which there are a lot of institutions each contributing one part to the academic experience.