I want to start a page of information on Risk Management and Safety.
Can this be done?
I will send you my biography.
One of the consultations that I do is for the Small Business Administration.
SCORE> Cyber Counseling. There are many more.
Please advise if this can even be done.
Thank you,
June Ramsay
Cant afford to quit your job? Earn your AS, BS, or MS degree online in 1
I'm (re)sending this to lots of lists -- people, we need more
submissions! Please be bold in sending us your papers -- we'd love to
see you in Taiwan this year. :-)
Please forward to other relevant lists as well! See
for the ones we've already covered.
- - - -
Wikimania is an annual global event devoted to Wikipedia and the other
Wikimedia Foundation projects. It is a community event, which is also
open to the public and to researchers. This year's conference will be
held from August 3-5, 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan at Chien Tan Overseas
Youth Activity Center. For more information, please visit the
Wikimania site:
Send your submissions through:
We are accepting submissions for posters, presentations, workshops,
and discussion groups. We are also accepting nominations for speakers
and speaker panels, and suggestions for other activities. Please note
the details below and be bold in your submissions!
== Important dates ==
* 1 March – 30 April: Submission
* 1 May – 31 May: Feedback and notification of acceptance
* 3 – 5 Aug 2007 : Wikimania
== Conference Themes ==
Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:
* Wikimedia Communities – Interesting projects and particularities
within the communities (we explicitly invite you to present your local
Wikimedia project's community!); policy creation within individual
projects; conflict resolution and community dynamics; reputation and
identity; multilingualism, languages and cultures; social studies.
* Free Content – Open access to information; ways to gather and
distribute free knowledge, usage of the Wikimedia projects in
education, journalism, research; ways to improve content quality and
usability; copyright laws and other legal areas that interfere with
Wikimedia projects.
* Technical infrastructure – Issues related to MediaWiki
development and extensions; Wikimedia hardware layout; new ideas for
development (including usable case studies from other wikis or similar
Your topic must be related to Wikimedia projects and its communities
or to the creation of free content in general.
== Types of Submissions ==
We are seeking submissions for
* presentations (10–30 minute talks with optional short or full papers)
* posters (printed presentations or visual displays that can stand on their own)
* workshops (30–120 minute session with more involvement of the audience)
* panels (group of 2-5 speakers to discuss on a specific subject)
* Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) (45-60 minute informal meetup of group
discussion on a particular topic)
* artistic artifacts (plays, competitions, comedy, visualizations, or
other representations of some aspect of the projects)
== Guidelines ==
Wikimania is organized by volunteers, so please help us to minimize
wasted effort by following these guidelines carefully before
submitting and be sure not to forget anything that is mentioned here.
All submissions must explicitly include the following:
* an English title
* a short English abstract of 50 to 100 words. The abstracts should be
provided as plain text, and not as file attachments. This abstract
will be used as public description of your submission in the
conference program
* a detailed description (or full paper) of at least one page (300
words or more). This description will not be published unless you want
it, but used for reviewing your submission. Give an overview of the
areas to be covered or taught. State clearly the relevance to the
Wikimedia projects and whether submission concerns a specific wiki
project. You may use any language, but we strongly suggest English or
Chinese. Full descriptions may include a link to a full paper or
slides in HTML or PDF, if available.
* full name, email address, and a short bio of 1–3 sentences for each
author. You may also add wiki usernames and nicknames.
* the type of submission (presentation, poster, workshop, panel, BoF, artistic)
* the language(s) you are going to talk in (or the language of your poster)
Please tell us with your submission whether you will attend to
Wikimania (a) surely, (b) probably, (c) only if your submission is
accepted, or (d) only if we provide travel and/or accommodation.
Additionally, please specify:
* the target audience you are going to reach and what previous
knowledge is needed
* special requirements (such as equipment for a workshop or panel) if needed
* images or sketches of the poster or artistic artifact if available
* for panel submissions short biographies of each suggested panelist
* whether the presentation is intended to be a specific length.
* BoF proposals should describe the significance of and community
interest in the topic, and name the proposed discussion leader(s).
For poster sessions there are additional guidelines:
Please note that all submissions must be dual licensed under the GNU
Free Documentation License version 1.2 or later and the Creative
Commons Attribution License.
== Submissions ==
Once you are sure you have included all of the required information,
please send your submission by the respective deadline through our
submission system:
Please do not send submissions by email. If you need help for
translating your work please visit our translation help page.
Questions, but not submissions, may be directed to cfp(a)wikimedia.org.
== Hacking Days ==
Before the main conference there will also be informal Hacking days
for MediaWiki developers who are familiar with the software, If you
are interested in joining it, please visit:
== See also ==
* About the venue: http://www.cyh.org.tw/
* Brainstorming page for program ideas:
* Editable list of attendees: http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Attendees
* WikiSym 2007 (October 21-23, 2007, Montreal), an alternative wiki
conference: http://www.wikisym.org/ws2007/
I've started the following page:
to collect a list of open source tools & open formats that are
commonly used to support Wikimedia projects. Mainly, this is for
external tools, rather than those developed within our community,
though I don't mind if it is expanded to cover both.
The purpose of having this page is to better inform decision-making
processes on all levels:
* directing volunteers who want to help us to work on particularly
useful open source projects
* directing editors to tools that help them with their day-to-day work
* possibly, even (when the Foundation is a bit more sustainable)
considering awarding development grants to some of them, or at least
helping them to pursue them by endorsing their grant proposals to
other organizations
* identifying key "missing pieces" that are not covered or not covered
well by the existing toolset (this might be a separate list).
I know many of you use specialized tools that are not well known.
There are also sure to be glaring omissions in the current list. I
would therefore appreciate all help to complete it.
Peace & Love,
DISCLAIMER: This message does not represent an official position of
the Wikimedia Foundation or its Board of Trustees.
"An old, rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open,
free and exciting is waking up." -- Ming the Mechanic
Des critiques sont régulièrement faites aux Wikipédiens et à Wikimédia
France à propos du traitement inégal entre Wikipédia et les autres projets
francophones, à savoir Wiktionary, Wikinews, Wikibooks, Wikiquote,
Wikisource et Wikiversity. J'aimerais éclaircir un peu les choses.
1. Wikipédia est célèbre, les autres projets pas.
C'est un constat, pas un point de vue. Wikipédia est le 10e site le plus
visité en France. Wikipédia est cité dans la presse écrite, des émissions
lui sont consacrées à la radio et on en parle à la télévision. Pourquoi ?
Parce que le projet intéresse, soulève des questions. Et surtout, parce que
le sujet est polémique et qu'il fait vendre. Une candidate socialiste
invente un mot qui se retrouve dans l'encyclopédie ? Un /College/ américain
interdit à ses étudiants la citation de Wikipédia comme source ? Un hoax à
propos de la mort d'un acteur américain has-been circule grâce à Wikipédia ?
C'est de l'événementiel. Ça intéresse la ménagère de moins de 50 ans. Ça
fait vendre. Ça intéresse les journalistes.
2. Wikipédia aussi a du mal à communiquer sur les sujets qui l'intéressent.
Lorsque l'on souhaite communiquer à propos de Wikipédia sur la difficulté de
trouver des images libres, sur la loi DADVSI, sur Gallica qui est peu
coopérative, sur un projet de loi sur la délinquance qui interdit à un
reporter non professionnel de filmer des violences policières, vous croyez
qu'on arrive à se faire entendre ? Ce qui intéresse les journalistes, c'est
le comité éditorial (qui n'existe pas), le comité d'arbitrage (qui n'est pas
le comité éditorial, non) et les administrateurs (qui ne sont pas non plus
le comité éditorial, non...). Ils veulent savoir si (non, pardon, il veulent
savoir « que ») « Wikipédia va manger Google » et que « le cofondateur de
Wikipédia lance une encyclopédie validée et sécurisée. » Le jour où on a une
affaire Seigenthaler sur Wikibooks, je vous assure que la presse parlera du
3. Wikimédia France promeut tous les projets.
Wikimédia France a pour mission de faire connaître et de soutenir les
projets de diffusion libre de la connaissance, notamment les projets
hébergés par la Wikimedia Foundation. Et c'est ce qu'elle fait du mieux
qu'elle peut. La liste des présentations faites par les membres de
l'association témoigne d'un engagement qui ne concerne pas uniquement
Wikipédia : < http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Presentations/fr> L'association
profite des interviews pour tenter de parler des autres projets, mais (cf
1.) ça n'intéresse pas les journalistes. J'aimerais toutefois que les
efforts faits par les membres pour promouvoir tous les projets soient
4. Une association est le reflet de ses membres.
Et la majorité des membres de Wikimédia France sont des Wikipédiens. Si vous
estimez que les efforts qui sont faits pour promouvoir les autres projets ne
sont pas encore suffisants, je vous invite vraiment à adhérer à
l'association pour dynamiser la promotion du projet qui vous tient à cœur.
Nous serons ravis de vous y aider. Par contre, refuser de s'impliquer et
critiquer a posteriori, je suis pas d'accord. Quand on décide de ne pas
participer à quelque chose, on assume son choix et on ne vient pas se
plaindre ensuite que c'est mal fait.
5. « Engagez-vous ! »
Si vous avez des idées, des suggestions, des projets pour faire connaître et
soutenir les projets francophones, contactez l'association Wikimédia France
(par exemple sur sa liste de discussion <
http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediafr-l>) qui sera ravie
de vous apporter son aide.
Guillaume Paumier
We have just launched http://planet.wikimedia.org/ , which is an
aggregator for all on-topic wiki-related weblog (blog) posts by
participants in Wikimedia projects. The planet can be found at:
To get added, please follow the instructions at:
This is a kind of beta test, and right now, the planet is in the
English language; however, I have prepared a process for requesting
new languages to be set up here:
So please add your support if you wish to aggregate blog posts in
another language.
Again, this is for on-topic posts, not for diary entries. All feeds
must either point to a blog which is almost exclusively about wikis,
or filtered (WordPress, Blogger and other common blog engines all
support filtered feeds by categorizing your posts, e.g., adding the
"wiki" category to all posts which you want to be included in the
planet). If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you can (in addition or
in substitution) add your blog to http://wikiblogplanet.com/ , which
does not filter posts for on-topicness. WikiBlogPlanet is run
independently by Nick Jenkins.
I hope that this new tool will allow us to share useful and
interesting information, as well as opinions, more effectively across
project boundaries.
Peace & Love,
DISCLAIMER: This message does not represent an official position of
the Wikimedia Foundation or its Board of Trustees.
"An old, rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open,
free and exciting is waking up." -- Ming the Mechanic
Hi all - we've only had limited feedback on this idea (admittedly I
never brought it up on-list - only at each project's discussion
forum), but there will be an IRC meeting about Wikiversity research
this Saturday (10th) @ 22:00 UTC in freenode channel #wikiversity.
This is in advance of the board's meeting about Wikiversity (scheduled
to take place the following Friday, 16th), and is a crucial aspect to
Wikiversity's move out of its "beta phase".
Further details of the meeting are at:
Links to relevant work-pages to be edited and discussed can be found
there. For info on timezones, see:
<http://worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx> and/or
Hope to see you there - if you can't make it, and want to add
something to the agenda, please do so at the page given above.
[Crossposted on many lists]
The press team of the Foundation is currently building a press list file and
gathering contact information of journalists and editors of all the major
media (newspapers, magazines, radio, tv) around the world. The aim is to
improve our communication and be able to reach people from all over the
world (not only people from the US and not only people from English-speaking
We are requesting help from the whole community to gather this information.
We have the chance to have a global community of users and volunteers and we
need to take advantage of this chance. Please help us by sending contact
information of journalists and editors you know or from your country.
The basic information are :
Name of the journalist:
First name:
Name and type of the media: (for instance "CNN, worldwide news TV channel")
Any other information about each contact is welcome (area of concentration,
coverage, schedule...).
Please send the information you have got to: press at wikimedia dot org and
*do not answer this email*, I will probably not get the emails since I am
not subscribed to all lists I have posted to.
Thanks for your help!
Guillaume Paumier
Wikimania, Wikimedia's annual global conference for the community, has
today released its call for participation.
We will shortly be accepting submissions for presentations, panels,
discussions, posters, and more. I would like to encourage all
community members to make a submission. Wikimania is the wiki
conference aimed at the Wikimedia community, so it's essential that
you are represented here. If there is something interesting about your
wiki that you want to share with 400 Wikimedians in Taipei this
summer, please respond to this call for participation.
We are also looking for volunteers to review the submissions made and
help us to choose what will be presented at Wikimania. Depending on
what you would like to review, please contact one of the following
people to let them know you would like to help.
Wikimedia Communities presentations: Angela Beesley:
Free Content presentations: Phoebe Ayers:
Technical infrastructure presentations: James Forrester:
Posters and Panels (all themes): Jakob Voss:
Artistic artifacts, Workshops, and Birds-of-a-Feather (all themes):
TzuChiang Liou:
Angela Beesley
I think this is a useful resource that deserves some attention:
OER Grapevine is meant to be a neutral meeting place for activists in
different "Open Educational Resources" projects (a buzzword used in
the education community to mean pretty much anything from free
download to free license). This is both an opportunity to evangelize
free licensing, and a chance to share ideas about technology, policy,
and content development.
Peace & Love,
DISCLAIMER: This message does not represent an official position of
the Wikimedia Foundation or its Board of Trustees.
"An old, rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open,
free and exciting is waking up." -- Ming the Mechanic