Topic: Sandbox Server (http://beta.wikiversity.org/wiki/Sandbox_Server)
I have "speak" with Daniel of the German Wikimedia and he has said that the WMDE would sponsor us a server. The details and condition:
• We (respectively one of us) rent the server and we (the person) send the bill to the WMDE and then they repays the costs
• The WMDE gives for first time max. 50 €/month
• The server hosts only projects, software, etc. which are for the Wikimedia community
• We must send every three month a report which include:
o Current projects
o How the community accepts the projects
o Our ideas for the next three months (which extensions, software, etc. should be develop, which software should test, etc.)
If all is OK, we need one who rents the server and we must create a first report of our ideas for the next three months.
Daniel of the WMDE is in the mailing list, too. We can ask him if there are some questions.
Viele Grüße
Jan Luca
Hi everyone,
The next strategic planning office hours are:
Wednesday, 04:00-05:00 UTC, which is:
-Tuesday (8-9pm PST)
-Tuesday (11pm-12am EST)
There has been a lot of tremendous work on the strategy wiki the past
few months, and Task Forces are finishing up their work.
Office hours will be a great opportunity to discuss the work that's
happened as well as the work to come.
As always, you can access the chat by going to
https://webchat.freenode.net and filling in a username and the channel
name (#wikimedia-strategy). You may be prompted to click through a
security warning. It's fine. More details at:
Thanks! Hope to see many of you there.
Philippe Beaudette
Facilitator, Strategy Project
Wikimedia Foundation
mobile: 918 200-WIKI (9454)
Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
Hi all,
I wasn't able to make it to the meeting this time (it was at
5AM here), but I'd like to chat with you about possibilities
for a Wikimedia/Wikiversity teamup with PlanetMath.org,
where I'm on the board of directors. PlanetMath content
has been used or cited in several hundreds of Wikipedia
I think there are a lot of interesting possibilities for a more
formal or structured collaboration, especially now that
Wikiversity is on the scene.
To begin to frame my own interests and possible areas of
involvement, here are a few slides I made for a talk I gave
here at the Open University (where I'm a phd student at the
Knowledge Media Institute), about "Crowdsourcing Education".
Towards the end of the slides, I suggest that an incremental
step (still a very big increment, at this point) would be to
create a for-credit class/course, e.g. something like Calculus
I, to be completed entirely online, e.g. via Wikiversity and/or
Another interesting idea along these lines would be to run a
face-to-face computing/mathematics course whose purpose
is "do something cool with PlanetMath" -- for example, help
develop the platform that would make it possible to run
semi-automated math courses (as in the previous paragraph),
or other courses for that matter.
To sum up, I think PlanetMath may be in a good position to
make a bid to become the "mathematics department" of
Wikiversity -- but we'll need to talk more about details!
at moment there are some problems with the Wikiversity and Jimbo Wales.
To centralize the discussion I have created a page on Meta:
I hope that that the persons belong to this problem involve in the
Viele Grüße
Jan Luca Naumann
Admin on de.wikiversity
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Hi everyone,
The next strategic planning office hours are:
Tuesday from 20:00-21:00 UTC, which is:
Tuesday, 12-1pm PST
Tuesday, 3pm-4pm EST
There has been a lot of tremendous work on the strategy wiki the past
few months, and Task Forces are finishing up their work.
Office hours will be a great opportunity to discuss the work that's
happened as well as the work to come.
As always, you can access the chat by going to
https://webchat.freenode.net and filling in a username and the channel
name (#wikimedia-strategy). You may be prompted to click through a
security warning. It's fine. More details at:
Thanks! Hope to see many of you there.
Philippe Beaudette
Facilitator, Strategy Project
Wikimedia Foundation
mobile: 918 200-WIKI (9454)
Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!