The key issue here is the lack of an organized group who are dedicated enough to form the corporation. I wasn't speaking about the raising of funds. As well, what is the purpose of the organization. That was completely lost in all the debates about policy. Organizing a local bid for Wikimania would at least bring the people together for a purpose that had a tangible result.
2010/1/18 Ray Saintonge wrote:
Hi Alan,
I'm not sure what the status is, but I for one have been following this thread, but haven't had much to say. I'm still interested in MWC but haven't heard much in the way of updates lately either.
As for Wikimania, I don't know enough about it to comment intelligently. Having an organizing body (like MWC) might make a coordinated bid a little easier, no?
It would help, but is not essential. The organizing committee for the successful city would still need to maintain separate accounts to avoid miscegenation of funds. The long term interests of WMC should take precedence over a single event. Unlike the Olympics a Wikimania cannot and should not depend on bottomless sources of funds.
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