On 5/8/07, Delphine Ménard notafishz@gmail.com wrote:
yes. However, make sure that the bylaw writing is advertised as much as you can. People only start to join, even in the not-so-fun stuff when you've finally reached a consensus and decide to change everything at the last minute (the wiki way ;-)) or are unhappy that you've done this without them. :-)
A call on various lists and such probably is something you want to do at some point, don't forget the French speakers ;P
Yes. We need someone to translate; I'm disappointed that my written French is horrible and that most of our correspondence has been in English. We had two French people indicate interest, but neither responded to my latest ping. This is a priority, I think. Any volunteers?
Well, seeing as the "last minute" seems to be all the rage, we should try to wrap up discussion as quickly as possible. :)
Can we get a complete draft by-law arrangement drawn up by the end of the month? Is that overambitious?
As I've commented before, this has been "in planning" for quite some time.
I'd like to put together a plan that has some kind of timetable, to ensure we're moving forward. I'm
open to
suggestions as to how to do this, as I think we are all after a common goal.
Again, nothing better than someone pushing along that does not stop in mid-flight.
I've had some recent motivation, too. I was trying to approach sponsors for Wikimania. There were a few fairly large places that were willing and seemed ready to give -- but they will give only to a Canadian entity. Since WMF is US based, we aren't in the game until we get this going, which is a bit sad. So let's get this going!!!
We have the membership by-law, which seems to have languished a bit (discussion wise). I'm going to see if we can get a little "free" legal advice on the bylaw elements and their wording.
Would anyone like to have an IRC meeting so we can float dates and such back and forth? I'd like to believe we can get all of the legwork done before the end of Summer ... but I'm an optimist.