> I know I have been an advocate for simplicity and moving forward, but I have
> to object to an IRC AGM and voting. I'm not one for upholding tradition for
> the sake of itself, but I would prefer to stick with the conventional
> methods of voting used by existing corporations. You either attend the AGM
> in person or you complete a proxy by phone, web site or postal mail. These
> votes determine who makes up a board which holds a great deal of power and
> fiduciary responsibility. I consider the Mountain Equipment Co-op to be a
> respected and progressive organization. MEC is holding their 39th AGM at
> Simon Frasier University. While I am not privy to their reasons for
> choosing this traditional format, I personally feel in person meetings keep
> people and the process more honest and legitimate.
Feel free to modify it. I was attempting to make all options available -
but requiring a vote to actually be implemented (that includes phones,
by the way; in this set up you cannot use a conference call without a
prior vote approval. At least with IRC members would be required to use
a password to identify.)
Please note: the minimum quorum for a members meeting is 10, the lower
suggested limit from the Chapters Com guideline. Most likely if MW-CA
requires in-person AGMs they will only occur in one city, and MW-CA will
never represent any other portion of Canada. (This is already, to some
extent, the case, and the justification for the Mediawiki Quebec