Am 03.02.2014 20:37, schrieb Bene*:
I would be glad if you explained a bit further how this feature will work on client. There needs to be a mechanism to select which items are visible in the interwiki links section and which are not. This will perhaps be a setting on the client. However, even if we say, only FA and GA badges should be shown in the article, it can still come to collisions when a sitelink has two badges which are both specified in the client's config. How should this cases be handled?
In that case, both badges would be shown. The idea is: "if it IS wrong, it should LOOK wrong". Having both badges on the same page violates a convention. The convention should not be enforced by the software but by the community (possibly with the help of bots, common.js, etc).
I would propose to add a css class for each badge that applies to a given language link. Per default, these classes would do nothing. Each client wiki can then define site CSS (or JS) to make some badges visible.