Hi everyone,
I'm forwarding a message from the WMF Search team about the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) User Survey 2021. I hope some of you might find it interesting!
Hi all,
In the 2021–2022 fiscal year, the WMF Search team is working on scaling up Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) to handle increasing graph size and queries – we will be following up shortly with more updates regarding this. In order to design a querying service that works for most use cases, it is important for us to understand the needs of WDQS users.
We are trying to cover the diverse use cases of WDQS. Whether you are an occasional user of the service, running queries regularly, for example for maintenance purposes, or hitting the WDQS daily with your tools, your feedback is welcome on this short survey. If you are interested in providing feedback, please fill out our survey: https://forms.gle/WzBDGWPUsi43YAhBA
Thanks for your participation!
This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/WDQS_User_Survey_2021_Privacy_Statement. For technical issues with the survey, please contact mpham@wikimedia.org.
Mike Pham
Giovanna Fontenelle (she/her)
Program Officer; GLAM and Culture
Wikimedia Foundation https://wikimediafoundation.org/