IFLA Wikidata Working Group Structuring and Organizing Meeting
The IFLA Wikidata Working Group would like to extend an invitation to a structuring and organizing meeting on June 22nd, 2021 at 15:00 UTC. The purpose of this meeting is to begin to formalize the Working Group in effort to form an IFLA Special Interest Group and also incorporate a functional structure to support ongoing strategic activities. A representative from IFLA will give an overview of the IFLA structure and governance model. Representatives from allied IFLA Sections and SIGS, such as Subject Analysis and Acceshttps://www.ifla.org/subject-analysis-and-accesss, Bibliographyhttps://www.ifla.org/bibliography, and Big Datahttps://www.ifla.org/big-data, will join the meeting to give an overview of their work and discuss points of collaboration.
The IFLA Wikidata Working Grouphttps://www.ifla.org/node/92837 was formed in late 2019 to explore and advocate for the use of and contribution to Wikidata by library and information professionals. To support the integration of Wikidata with library systems, and the development of the technical infrastructure to promote knowledge equity and open bibliographic data, and alignment of the Wikidata ontology with library metadata formats.
IFLA Special Interest Groups: bring together IFLA members with common and continuing interests that they wish to discuss or explore, but which are not included in the mission and goals of an existing Section. These interests can cut across the concerns of multiple sectors, identify and follow an emerging issue or trend, be very specialised, or relevant to a small number of members. However, all Special Interest Groups must strive to explore an interest through a time-bound and goal-oriented approach, demonstrated through clear actions the group plans to undertake in order to meet their identified need. Read more here: https://www.ifla.org/node/9686
To move toward a goal-oriented approach and to begin to model a SIG structure the Wikidata Working group will create sub-working groups formed around specific, time-bound, goal-oriented projects.
The agenda for the meeting will include:
*overview of the IFLA governance structure, activities, and SIG requirements
*introductions from members from IFLA SIGs and Sections.
*discussion of Working Group membership commitments
*update on Working Group activities
*initial formation of working groups structured around functional, high-level activities
Meeting connection information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83653239590?pwd=Y09YZGZjOFY4eW5NZnlHM3YyNlZpZz09 Meeting ID: 836 5323 9590 Passcode: 631203
Questions or comments to: Stacy Allison-Cassin, Convenor, IFLA Wikidata Working Group
Stacy Allison-Cassin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream Faculty of Information University of Toronto
Associate Librarian (on leave) Department of Student Learning and Academic Success Scott Library, York University