We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, November 3rd at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CEST. We have Arthur Smith (American Physical Society) and Daniel Mietchen (University of Virginia) joining us to discuss author items in Wikidata and the Author Disambiguator Tool.
Call Details:
* Date and time: Tuesday, November 3rd at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CEST (Time zone converterhttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201103T170000&p1=1240&p2=tz_et&p3=1440&p4=tz_cest) * Zoom link: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/93242608490?pwd=dm1lWGR1Z0ZyaXFsb0QyKzJSb3Urdz09 https://stanford.zoom.us/j/95971179860?pwd=VkwySGxmWFZZMWYzbmZUekVCVUVSUT09 * Password: 272244 * Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16OJ5cTXZ47z3_M9bsIjmXO_kpjpQujtoFTEKe6Du...
Working Hours:
Join us for a collaborative hour of editing and Wikidata practice. We will provide a project for the hour, and you're always welcome to bring your own projects to work on. This is a space for community and skill-building. We welcome your questions and your expertise about all things Wikidata. Subscribe to the ld4-wikidata Google grouphttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__groups.google.com_d_forum_ld4-2Dwikidata&d=DwMFaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=ZKZdijZcvSwDlmLpUMf9GVdOigjGjnqPOHQla31EGfM&m=z_RphDfkslImyqkzmjvrIyBdkp0dbnJRkNlH73ymvM0&s=AY-6SFn2xRBDbVHKIV7f1WFdWiLsR4wzAuDcbnYxW3g&e= for an announcement of the next working hour.
Upcoming Working Hours:
* (today!) Friday, October 30, 2020 at 11:30 am PDT / 2:30 pm EDT / 18:30 UTC / 8:30 pm CEST (Time zone converterhttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201030T183000&p1=tz_pt&p2=tz_et&p3=1440&p4=tz_cest) * Sarah Kasten has put together a fun Hallowe'en-themed program involving WITCHYDATA, so please join us. We will be adding items to Wikidata related to podcasts on witches and witchcraft. As a continuation of the last Working Hour, where we focused on adding the Goodreads identifier to Wikidata items, we will pay special attention to adding identifiers to our new entries and see how they help us use the Entity Explosion browser add-on by Toby Hudson. * Monday, November 9, 2020 at 8am PST / 11am EST / 16:00 UTC / 5pm CET (Time zone converterhttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201109T160000&p1=1240&p2=tz_et&p3=1440&p4=tz_cet)
Take care and hope to see you soon!
On behalf of the co-facilitators:
Alex Jung
Open Technology Specialist
University of Toronto Libraries