On 11 February 2013 09:19, Andrea Zanni zanni.andrea84@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all, I just wanted to make you aware that in these days Wikidata has being launched, and the community is asked to propose schemas and models for Properties. For us, I think it would be very important to give a hand to this: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal#Book_.2F_Buch_.2F_L...
I don't understand well how Wikidata works, we're atill at the early stages, but IMHO it would be great for librarians and wikipedians to work directly on that book model. Wikidata should be interoperable with major metadata schemas, in a way or another.
Thanks for the pointer. I'm a little confused by quite what's being aimed for with the datatype here.
Are they planning to use it to represent Wikipedia articles (which are almost all on a work level, sometimes on an item level - eg manuscripts, but very rarely an edition level), or to represent "sources" in citations (usually a specific edition rather than a work or an item)?