Il 02/09/2013 12:15, Andrea Zanni ha scritto:
[sorry for cross posting]
Hi all,
I just wanted to announce that there is right now a brand new
wikimedia mailing list dedicated to Open Access.
You can subscribe here:
As there are quite a few projects running between the Open Access
world and Wikimedia,
we felt it was a good idea to have a specific spot for our discussions
and work.
We'd be happy to welcome librarians, wikipedians, wikisourcians,
researchers and OA advocates interested in doing concrete stuff to
integrate more the OA and the Wikimedia movement.
You are welcome to join us.
Libraries mailing list
Prof. Mauro Guerrini
Università di Firenze
Full Professor of LIS, Library and Information Science
Professore ordinario di Biblioteconomia
Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS)
Piazza Brunelleschi 4
50121 Firenze - Italia : Italian Journal of Library and Information Science = rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell'informazione:
Clausola di Riservatezza
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