*Español abajo / français ci-dessous / Igbo n'okpuru / Português abaixo
(some parts were translated with DeepL)*
*Please share the below invitation with your local communities! Everyone
working on GLAM-Wiki projects is welcome.*
Hello everyone,
From November 2024, a group of volunteers, affiliates and the WMF Culture
and Heritage team will host monthly online video calls for the worldwide
GLAM-Wiki community. These calls help us to get to know each other, and
learn from each other.
*To make the calls as useful for you as possible, we would like to hear
what you need. Please let us know in this very short survey:
https://forms.gle/jSFWQTJnej7jcVZt5 <https://forms.gle/jSFWQTJnej7jcVZt5>*
The calls will be held every month at alternating times to accommodate
different time zones around the world.
*More info about the calls / sign up for the calls:
Hola a todos,
Desde Noviembre de 2024, un grupo de voluntarios, afiliados y el equipo de
Cultura y Patrimonio de la Fundación Wikimedia desarrollarán mensualmente
encuentros virtuales para la comunidad glam-wiki de todo el mundo. Estos
encuentros nos permitirán conocernos mejor y compartir experiencias de
*Nos gustaría conocer sus necesidades y expectativas para hacer de estos
encuentros espacios realmente útiles para la comunidad. Por favor, háznoslo
saber en esta breve encuesta: https://forms.gle/ib5EZUbKfkZ1pEZp7
<https://forms.gle/ib5EZUbKfkZ1pEZp7> *
Las encuentros virtuales se celebrarán todos los meses en horarios alternos
para adaptarnos a las distintas zonas horarias del mundo.
*Más información sobre las encuentros virtuales / inscripción:
Bonjour à tous,
À partir de novembre 2024, un groupe de bénévoles, d'affiliés et l'équipe «
Culture and Heritage » du WMF organiseront des appels vidéo mensuels en
ligne pour la communauté mondiale du GLAM-Wiki. Ces appels nous aident à
nous connaître et à apprendre les uns des autres.
*Afin de rendre ces appels aussi utiles que possible, nous aimerions
connaître vos besoins. Merci de nous le faire savoir en répondant à cette
courte enquête : https://forms.gle/xR82pjKggkzVeoqWA
Les appels auront lieu tous les mois à des heures différentes afin de tenir
compte des différents fuseaux horaires dans le monde.
*Plus d'informations sur les appels / s'inscrire aux appels :
Olá a todos,
A partir de novembro de 2024, um grupo de voluntários, afiliados e a equipa
de Cultura e Património da WMF irão organizar videochamadas mensais em
linha para a comunidade mundial GLAM-Wiki. Estas chamadas ajudam-nos a
conhecermo-nos e a aprendermos uns com os outros.
*Para que as chamadas sejam o mais úteis possível, gostaríamos de saber
quais são as suas necessidades. Por favor, informe-nos através deste breve
inquérito: https://forms.gle/sQfqtYhYLGovj2JU8
As chamadas realizar-se-ão todos os meses, em horários alternados, para se
adaptarem aos diferentes fusos horários de todo o mundo.
*Mais informações sobre as chamadas / inscrever-se nas chamadas:
Malite na onwa Novemba, nke afo (2024), otu oru afoufu, ndi ngbakwunye na
ngalaba omenala nke WMF na otu ihenketa ga akwagide ihe emume nke ikpo oku
na igwe eriri ihe onyoyo video nke ogbako GLAM-WIKI maka nke uwa niile na
onwa a. Oku nke a ga enye aka k’ anyi mata onweanyi, ma murita ihe na aka
anyi onwe anyi.
*Iji mee ka oku a baara gi uru gi nke oma, anyi ga acho inu ihe ichoro.
Biko mee ka anyi mara na survey nke a di nkpunkpu:
https://forms.gle/tcA4WWyXjn2rwTGZ6 <https://forms.gle/tcA4WWyXjn2rwTGZ6> *
Oku nke a bu nke aga na enwe kwa onwa na ntughari oge iji nagide oge zones
nke uwa niile.
*Maka i nweta kwu oku nke a / binye aka maka oku nke a:
I am Olubusola Afolabi and I am a member of the Wikimedia and Libraries
User group. I am currently working with the Risk Management Working Group
of Creative Commons's Open Culture Platform and I would like to share a
survey link with members of this working group inviting them to fill out
the survey about risk management in open access to digital collections.
The survey aims to identify risks and fears experienced by Galleries,
Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) professionals in making digital
collections available as open access under an open license as well as
capturing these strategies in place (if any) to manage those risks.
Here is the survey link
Survey link: https://forms.gle/bDLZ89hZwmPSEGuSA
I would be grateful if the survey link is shared with members of the
community and I look forward to hearing back from you concerning this
Best Regards,
Olubusola Afolabi
Warm regards from Katowice, this message is from Magdalena Gomulka, at
Dear all,
As a local librarian who will attend Wikimania 2024 I would like to let you
know what is going on in Katowice.
First and foremost, Wikimania organisers prepared for us two "librarians
days" in the program <https://wikimania.eventyay.com/2024/schedule/>. It
means that on Wednesday (7th August) and Friday (9th August) there are
sessions about and near topics for libraries, such as media education,
volunteers, collaboration, and notability. I would like to invite you to
all presentations which you can attend online and onsite if you are in
Add to this, I would like to take your attention to two meetings at
Wikimania on Friday:
*Librarians Meetup *
- 9 August at 12:45-13:15 in the room "Warsaw"
- If you are in Katowice, just come to meet other librarians at
Wikimania. It will be great if we can meet in one place and time
- link:
*Session: "How can we work on notability: Librarians case"*
- 9 August at 14:15-14:55 in the room "Lviv"
- it will be a discussion about notability with
wikimedian-librarians and admins from Poland, Romania and the USA. Feel
free to join us!
- link: https://wikimania.eventyay.com/2024/talk/VN93DS/
- this session couldn't be organised without great support from Nkem
Osuigwe, Rajene Hardeman, Giancarlo Mainardi and Richard Knipel!
Warm regards from Katowice
Magdalena Gomulka
[image: Wikimania_2024_logo.svg.png]