- I would like to ask about the thanks system on Meta. I started to
use the Echo thanks system to thank who are answering questions on the Annual Plan talk page, including some of you on this list, and I ran into some differences from English Wikipedia. On Meta I am asked for the revision ID of the edit for the thanks notification, and after thanking a user the "thank" link for an edit doesn't change to "thanked". Will Meta thanks notifications be upgraded in the future to function like ENWP's does?
I’m not sure why Thanks would behave differently on Meta. Does anyone know?
If you click the "thank" link too quickly, ie. before the page's javascript has finished loading, then you'll get sent to the special page. (eg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Thanks ) Ditto for all non-javascript users. It sounds like you had a temporary caching issue on Meta