On 01/31/2013 08:28 PM, Oliver Keyes wrote:
So, having played around and tested this: I'm really confused by the X in the top right and how it fits into common interaction models. Here are the mental-and-physical steps I went through to reach a state of confusion:
I know where you're coming from. We gave this a lot of thought (https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43723 and https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44123 ) among other discussion.
We may have gotten it right. Or, it may still need work. We didn't do structured user-testing outside our group as far as I know (that could be quite useful).
That model (End tour) is fine...but it still confused the heck out of me, and kind of irritated me. My mind interprets an X in the top right, as said, with 'kill this'.
Part of the reason X doesn't kill it for good is that people might accidentally leave the tour. But there's clearly a risk of frustration.
It seems to make more sense to either remove X entirely, or, if it represents a valid use case, move that use case to something different and have the X represent "kill this" (as is standard in a lot of other interfaces).
We did discuss removing the X at some point.
Matt Flaschen