I was thinking that, but Shahyar pointed out that lazy-loading content above your current position on the page basically means that you're being pushed down the page as you're trying to scroll up. It's not completely out of the question, but we're going to have to think about how that feels.
On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:00 PM, svetlana svetlana@fastmail.com.au wrote:
Danny Horn wrote:
So, starting at the topic with #1-10 loaded: [...] So if I jump from the top to #37, we've got #1-10 fully displayed, then a list of topics from #11-36, and then I scroll down to #37, which I see in full.
I would personally perhaps also load 36 and 38, and load 35/34/etc if the reader scrolls up.
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