working on G-4 - modal dialog Jon is concerned that a spike turned into an implementation Shahyar will send an email about it Shahyar & Jon need to talk about G-5 (spike-ish: mw-ui standardization) to decide what work needs to be done.
Friday -- working on i18n patches Jon and Matthias have overlapped -- Jon did G-2 and G-12, Matthias did i18n (Infinite scroll defaults language to English. Jon will sort it out -- we should watch more closely that we're not overlapping sprint work with bugs.
working on G-3 (reply & edit in no-JS). General concept is done, needs to touch base with a couple people about it.
Friday - code review, and worked on patches to fix display of title on post diff page Unit tests for timestamp Confused about bug - Flow is creating notification links that go to ?action=edit