We started Sprint O today -- a short-ish sprint, because of All-Hands, Dev
Summit and related travel.
The big-picture items for Sprint O are to code review, merge and release
all of the ToC v1 stuff, fix board history pagination, and help Co-op get
their Flow-creation bot to work.
Reviewed Erik's code, merged part of ToC
Today: finish ToC merge.
Friday, reviewed ToC
Working on fataling history page on OfficeWiki 78103 (Unbreak now)
Figured out problem with ToC gap handling -- still needs some work. (We'll
take this up in another sprint.)
looking at job candidate task -- we need to add some kind of design task to
it. Danny & Erik will talk about that today.
Sent email about ContentHandler & content model to wikitech-l -- got a
response from Brad about where to post the info. If no one complains, it
can be done Wed or Thurs.
Working on CirrusSearch, so that it indexes in batches
Updated Spec:FlowSearch so it works with the new code -- can merge it to
flow-tests when Matt has the current ToC merged.
Figured out how to return the correct number of highlights, that should
land very soon
Didn't get around to emailing Nik & Chad yet, will do that tomorrow.