Am 22.11.2014 14:42, schrieb Sebastiaan ter Burg:
thank you for your response. Would you happen to know who I could contact at the IA about this? We're going to SF on the 13th of december. Our plan is to share as much as possible during our trip.
I'll send you a personal message on that.
About IndieGoGo: usually - and also with our projects - you get all the smaller perks too with a larger perk. So you can choose a larger one without a problem. Or do you want to give something extra?
I wanted to give 25 USD but as I don't have Whatsapp etc. I just choose the "Coffee Perk" for fun. Then after entering my payment details I found out that only 1 USD had been given. But well, I just gave a second time, so...