Teemu Leinonen wrote:
Ray Saintonge kirjoitti 2.5.2007 kello 20:17:
Even if it were to concede that as a good thing, who would accept the responsibility of all the administrivia that it involves? I doubt that it would be an enlightening use of volunteer time. If we pay someone to do this the entire character of the project would change.
I do not see here any extra administrative work involved. You simply write the courses you have took in the Wikiversity in your user page with links to the course pages. You just build your own "Wikiversity study record" on your own user page. All based on trust and transparency. Shit will happen but I am pretty sure that the benefits of openness are greater than if having some "reliable record keeping body" working on this.
I'm glad to see that we don't disagree on more than this. I think we are a long way from the trust and transparency that you envision. While having a detailed and transparent record on the Wikiversity site fits in with how wiki things are generally done, personnel departments are not likely to want to go through the work of examining detailed course work. It's so much easier to have all one's questions answered by glancing at a single page transcriot of school marks. If it also has the school's fancy official seal embossed on that paper, why would they want to look further. Bureaucrats bust trust other bureaucrats.