Hi all,
Today I am calling for your support to the Academy of Sciencies of the Czech Republic. The current way of the research evaluation in the Czech Republic set AS to be closed. Me as an inhabitant of this country feel that this country doesnt want any inteligent people, which is very sad to me.
Let me explain you in short who the problem happened. Its been about two years, when the Research and Development Council set a new evaluation of the Czech Research. Scientists started to be evaluated by recieving points (for articles, projects, publications), for points there are money. At that time Czech Academy of Sciences were protesting - this system support ordinarines not the quality - but nothing happened. Universities started to throw up projects and articles even to non-impacted papers to get points AS continued in quality research, publishing articles in such papers such as Nature or Science). Now the finall evaluation came and Czech government want to finish all basic research wich i predominantly based on the Czech Academy of Science. For this year the reduction of a budget should be 1 billion CZK, the other year will be falling to 2 billions CZK, from the current budget of 5 billions CZK.
Well lost the brains, well lost personnell for Universities, well lost the knoweledge base, well lost the contact with foreign researchers, well lost the opportunity to have our researcher in the country. I would say to build up the Academy of Sciences once more after 10-15 year it would cost much more than current 5 billions CZK, and there will be still gaps in the lost know-how.
If you will to support us (all kind of support is welcomed), visit the Academy in Distress website: http://ohrozeni.avcr.cz/en/
Juan de Vojníkov
Czech Wikiversity: http://cs.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiverzita:Hlavn%C3%AD_strana Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (still a student :-): http://www.czu.cz/en/