Hi all,
Does anyone have a feel for where we are regarding uploading and using various files in lessons?
I have a query into WikiCommons but I could not find any definitive procedure or policy regarding which file formats are accepted there and which are not.
I did find a procedure citing a free tool to convert some video file formats into ogg vorbis so perhaps that is a current answer. I have no experience with accessing ogg vorbis from the middle of html or media wiki renderer. Does anyone know if it works well with translated files?
Does anyone have strong feelings one way or another regarding what kind of files we should be accepting? I know some at Wikipedia felt strongly a while back that all materials served should be free formats accessible by free tools.
I am wondering if some experience with what materials people have lying around to donate has modified these early stances.
For example all of my (mine as in I was the producer and own all rights) animation clips are currently in avi or FLC. If clear directions exist on how to convert these files to a preferred format then I will do so. If it is still vague territory suited best for linux gurus then I will probably forego the pleasure.
regards, mirwin