Hi Jim,
You can start editing right away by entering the page name that you want into the search box and follow the instructions. The Wikiversity regulars will handle the organisation stuff initially and you can just watch how it is done (it is not that hard).
Regards, H.
----------------- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 15:53:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Jim Miller jimmiller5417@yahoo.com Subject: Re: [Wikiversity-l] Article: Learning in and with an open wiki project
Hi, all,
OK, I'm convinced and ready to start uploading some courses and studies I have in mind, such as several "how to" courses:? Use of solar energy on a low capital cost, DIY (kits plus instructions) to produce very low cost electricity, hot and cold water, refrigeration, distilled water, steam and heat for buildings, agriculture and industrial processes.Use of biomas for creating rotational horsepowerUse of solar hot air pressure to turn an air motor to produce rotational horsepowerProduction of algae for food and fuelWorkers' Cooperative CompaniesIntentional Communitiesmany moreWhat is the URL and instructions on adding pages, categories, table of contents, database, word cloud, index and version tracking?
Jim Miller