I am very happy to announce that Kennisnet is willing to underwrite/pay
for the creation of wikidata and the ultimate wiktionary. This will
allow us to host relational data within a Mediawiki environment.
Wikidata will particularly enhance projects like Wikispecies and
Wiktionary where a lot of the relevant data is relational in nature. The
details of this project can be found here:
Thanks, :)
Dear WikiSpeciers,
by now there are several images uploaded on wikispecies, which occurs to me
to be a.) a fork violating the guidelines and potentially causing trouble
with some wikipedians that are critical against wikispecies b.) not
necessary, as this sort of thing would be do-able with direct links to
images in wikicommons.
It would be most welcome if somebody familiar with the functions and
developments of wikicommons would write something like a short tutorial on
how to a.) upload images on wikicommons b.) link to those from wikispecies;
this would be very helpful, as some wikispeciers don't have any previous
Thank you!
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Dear WikiSpecies-I readers,
may I bring two village pump discussions to your humble attention if not
already noticed:
1.) Templates for the species pages and how they can be structured become
accessible for other wiki-projects
2.) Taxonaviagtion: features, importance, structure, technical feasibility
These two topics are crucial for wikispecies and its success, so you are
strongly encouraged to contribute your opinion. Thanks and best wishes,
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Dear WikiSpecies-I readers!
WikiSpecies is currently in a phase of brainstormings and I would like to
encourage you to contribute your views and demands on WikiSpecies either via
this mailing list or at the village pump.
In particular I think that it is time to work out a template form for the
species-pages and dicuss the navigation. A "sample" of a possible navigation
can be found at the "animalia" regnum, accessible from the main page if
wikispecies. See it as a stimulus for a decent discussion and not as a given
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I have attempted to consolidate and expand upon the answers to many of
the concerns raised about Wikispecies on the Wikipedia-l mailing list
over the last few days.
Please see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikispecies_FAQ . The page
includes both questions specific to Wikispecies, as well as the wider
issues concerning the decision making processes of the Wikimedia
Board, including the following questions:
1 What is Wikispecies?
2 Is Wikispecies a fork of Wikipedia?
3 Why is Wikispecies not part of Wikipedia?
4 Why is Wikispecies not part of the Wikimedia Commons?
5 What happens if people start writing encyclopedia articles on Wikispecies?
6 What if people want Wikiwar, Wikichemistry etc
7 Was there consensus on starting this project?
8 Was Wikispecies a board decision?
9 Where was this announced?
10 Why was the full log of the meeting not published?
11 What is the next step for Wikispecies?