Greetings to Wikipedians and Wikimedians, and especially to new friends from the recent CUNY IT Conference,
I would like to invite folks to participate in our "Open Education League of New York" list and umbrella group, something that emerged out of Open Everything NYC conference earlier this year.
One of the initial ideas we had in the discussions at Open Everything NYC was that as we saw so many people raise these topics at that conference and as we form a real Open Education community in this area, and there are quite a few folks coming at this goal from disparate projects and areas of experience, it would be a good way of connecting for us start regular conversations and perhaps to actually meet up once a month or so.
There was some discussion of whether we should hold meetings independently or perhaps piggyback on another group like the Drupal meetup, and it is probably too early to say now what a permanent solution would look like (and I hope we'll have some good suggestions coming).
But this can also be an interesting forum for online conversations about Open Education topics and local experiences ranging from the creation of Open Educational Resources to medium-scale scanning projects of old books and periodicals.
Thanks, Richard (User:Pharos)