Dear all,
I was so happy to see A's email about a New England Public Domain day event! I would love to see this happen and we have some ideas from MIT to contribute (more soon!). It was also a good reminder to send this note, as I am thinking about the *20th anniversary of Wikipedia,* which will happen on Friday, January 15th, 2021.
Though we can't gather in person, I'd like to mark the occasion with a series of talks and events - perhaps formatted as a mini-conference. I've made a page to propose this -- please add any and all ideas here, and sign if you'd be interested in attending: This is just an outline of an idea, so propose anything you'd like to see (including things for days/times that aren't Jan 15).
Along these same lines - the WikiConference North America crew is developing a virtual conference for December 11-13, two weeks from now. It will feature an exploration of open culture sites on Friday, talks on Saturday, and edit-a-thons on Sunday. Join for any part you can; all are welcome.
I hope to see you all virtually very soon!
cheers, phoebe