Hi all,
Welcome to new members, and hello to everyone who was able to join us at WikiConference New England! It was exciting to meet everyone.
We had a nice meetup of people in New England at the conference. Notes are here: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/wcna2019-3180
1) There was a suggestion of creating a new slack channel for discussion. I just created this, you can join with this link: https://join.slack.com/t/wikinewengland/shared_invite/enQtODMyNTg1NTg4MzcyLT... it is wikinewengland.slack.com, if you have trouble with the invitation let me know.
2) For those who don't know: you can apply to the Wikimedia Foundation for a "rapid grant" for small expenses related to an editathon or other event. For Wikipedia Day 2020 events this year (January 15) you'll need to apply in this month's cycle - so by November 15 (in 2 days!) (December is being reserved for proposals related to Wiki Loves Africa). details: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid I know many people do host events, so wanted to make you aware of this. We will be having a big editathon at MIT that week.
3) related, I would like to offer to host a followup New England organizers meeting at MIT, where we can get together and talk about activities at our respective institutions. When would be a good time to do this?
all best, Phoebe