I'm about to sign off for the holidays, until January 6th, so here's a quick heads up:
For investigating sporadic failures of test cases, I have created a branch of wikibase on github, which has travis set up for testing:
https://github.com/wmde/Wikibase/tree/fixtravis https://travis-ci.org/wmde/Wikibase
This branch contains quite a few fixes/improvements to test cases. It would be good to have them on gerrit soon.
The following tests were identified of (probably) using hard coded entity IDs in an unhealthy way, but I didn't get around to fixing them yet:
repo/tests/phpunit/includes/api/SetClaimTest.php repo/tests/phpunit/includes/api/SetQualifierTest.php repo/tests/phpunit/includes/api/SetReferenceTest.php repo/tests/phpunit/includes/api/SetSiteLinkTest.php
They should probably be fixed along the same lines as MergeItemsTest, using the new EntityTestHelper::injectIds method to inject "real" ids for placeholders in the data the providers return.
Cheers! Daniel
Branch has been reviewed & merged into master.
-- Jeroen De Dauw http://www.bn2vs.com Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3 --