Hey :)
For the unlikely case that some readers of this list aren't aware of this yet: There are a lot of Wikidata bugs in bugzilla that could use some help. They're marked with the keyword need-volunteer. You can see them here: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=need-volunteer%2C%20&... (Obviously you're welcome to work on other stuff too but if you don't know what to put time into this is the perfect list.) If you're working on any of those please leave a comment in the bug report so others know you're on it. In case you're more into writing a bot then http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Bot_requests is the place to look. If you need help here and the IRC channel #wikimedia-wikidata on freenode is a good place to ask.
Cheers Lydia