I need further help, if possible.
I'm trying to get query service updater to get data from my Wikibase. It correctly identifies changes and accesses pages of changed items like https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q183.ttl
There are subjects on this page in three distinct namespaces: data: https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Special:EntityData/ wd: https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Item: s: https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Item:statement/
But the Munger reports an error saying
$BadSubjectException: Unrecognized subjects: [
https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Item:Q183, https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Item:statement/ Q183-e349d2b6-4624-654f-b242-22497248197d]. Expected only sitelinks and subjects starting with https://standartopedia.ru/wiki/Special:EntityData/ and [https://standartopedia.ru/entity/]
So the first namespace is recognised, but no triples are imported. The 2nd and 3rd namespaces do not correspond to the expected values at all.
The runUpdate.sh script was called with the parameter
--conceptUri https://standartopedia.ru/
Looks like it forms one correct namespace, but not all the three which are actually found in the data.
Can anyone advise me on how to make Munger process the data?
Regards, Victor Agroskin
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 at 18:35, Victor Agroskin vic5784@gmail.com wrote:
Нi All!
I'm running a custom Wikibase and because of extension compatibility issues I can not use docker image, so I'm installing software from repositories.
I'm installing RDF query service as described in https://github.com/wikimedia/wikidata-query-rdf/blob/master/docs/getting-sta...
I have a following problem:
When I start runUpdate.sh with the command $ ./runUpdate.sh -n wdq , it starts populating my Blazegraph instance with updates from Wikidata. I can not find any way to configure it to use my local Wikibase instead. No parameters documented, no global or local variables found. Can anyone provide any advice on this?
Thank you for your help! Victor Agroskin