What is the correct API call to find a property by its label (in a given language)? As the label is unique, the function I am looking for would return 1 or 0 answers. I only found wbsearchentities, which might return any number of results since it also searches aliases.
The problem I am facing is rather simple: I want to program an example that shows how to edit Wikidata using Wikidata Toolkit. To do this, I need a valid property that I can use in statements. I want to work on test.wikidata.org, of course, so I don't know which properties exist. I can create my own, but I should only do this if I did not do this yet (else I will get a "failed-save" error, which contains an error message, but it does not seem safe to parse this string for finding the id I am looking for). I could also create new properties every time someone is running the example program ;-)
Since I could use any property, it would also help me if I could retrieve a list of properties by type. All I need is some (any) string property ...