Wikidata-tech September 2014
  • 19 participants
  • 17 discussions
Parser cache update/migration strategies
by Daniel Kinzler 09 Sep '14

09 Sep '14
Location of JSON-only dump files
by Markus Krötzsch 04 Sep '14

04 Sep '14
Changes to CI / Jenkins for Wikidata/base
by 03 Sep '14

03 Sep '14

03 Sep '14
Wikibase DataModel 1.0 released
by Jeroen De Dauw 02 Sep '14

02 Sep '14
Questions on JSON dumps and format
by Markus Krötzsch 02 Sep '14

02 Sep '14
JSON dump inconsistencies (bug)
by Markus Krötzsch 01 Sep '14

01 Sep '14
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