Wikidata-tech October 2014
  • 15 participants
  • 10 discussions
Breaking changes to wikibase.RepoApi
by Adrian Lang 28 Oct '14

28 Oct '14
PHP library for the JSON dump
by Jeroen De Dauw 22 Oct '14

22 Oct '14
by Magnus Manske 19 Oct '14

19 Oct '14
6 11
0 0
Parsing Entity IDs
by Jeroen De Dauw 17 Oct '14

17 Oct '14
Wikibase changesAsJson
by Jeroen De Dauw 13 Oct '14

13 Oct '14
Are statements ordered?
by Markus Kroetzsch 11 Oct '14

11 Oct '14

08 Oct '14

05 Oct '14
Wikibase DataModel 1.1 released
by Jeroen De Dauw 01 Oct '14

01 Oct '14
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