Wikidata-tech June 2013
  • 17 participants
  • 25 discussions
Skipping this deployment cycle
by Denny Vrandečić 19 Jun '13

19 Jun '13
New shortlinks
by Jeroen De Dauw 18 Jun '13

18 Jun '13

18 Jun '13
3 10
0 0
Wikibase tests now running on TravisCI
by Jeroen De Dauw 17 Jun '13

17 Jun '13
imminent breaking change to the API
by Daniel Kinzler 16 Jun '13

16 Jun '13

13 Jun '13
Improving the ValueValidator interface
by Daniel Kinzler 12 Jun '13

12 Jun '13

11 Jun '13
One-week deployments start tomorrow!
by Katie Filbert 06 Jun '13

06 Jun '13
Saving impossible?
by Markus Krötzsch 06 Jun '13

06 Jun '13
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