Hello all,
the mysql on hyacinth is not working at the moment. Hyacinth is our only mysql-server for the cluster s3 and s6 and our default server for s4. Because it is now away and we have no replacement at the moment, s3 and s6 can't used by tools at the moment (and the user-databases that were together with them). I switched s4 (commons) to rosemary (normal) and thyme (fast) so it can normaly used by tools that only access the database itself — user-databases that were together with s4 (on hyacinth) are unreachable at the moment of corse.
In my eyes the only repair for hyacinth is a re-setup of the database so it will take some time until it is back.
Because our JIRA is also down for security reasons, please report problems direct to the TS-Mailinglist.
Sincerly, DaB.
I've moved s3, s4 and s6 to cassia, which has a copy of the relevant databases but was previously idle. I am importing user databases from hyacinth's 2010-04-17 backup, which should be done in a couple of hours. It is read-only for now, to prevent changes while the databases are being imported.
- river.
User database import on cassia is finished and the server is now read-write. It's not clear what caused the problem on hyacinth yet (hardware or software failure), so we'll monitor cassia for a while and see what happens.
- river.