Hello all,
as most of you know, sql.toolserver.org (short: sql) is the place where you should store your user-database if you need no joining with wmf-databases. sql points to adenia at the moment. Adenia is quite busy from time to time and sooner or later it will become overloaded. My plan is to not just buy a bigger box than, but to buy another box and split sql (so some databases will be on the old box and some will be on the new box). The problem is that this is not possible with our current setup, where we have only sql.toolserver.org – we can not configure it as round-robin because in 50% of time you would miss your database. The solution is simple, but it needs a little help from your side. I created new DNS-names in the form of "sql-user-X" where X is a letter ("sql-user-a" for example). The idea is now that you use not longer "sql", but "sql-user-X" where "X" is the first letter of your user-name (so the user "erik" use "sql- user-e" and the user "snowolf" use "sql-user-s"). If you all do this, it will be simple for the roots to move user-databases away from adenia to another server (for example we could move databases from "u_m*" till "u_z*" to the new box and nothing would break). I know that many of you need some time to update your tools. That's the reason I announce that now where you have plenty of time to update your stuff. At the moment sql-user-X points to adenia so nothing will break if you update now.
Please send questions to the mailing-list. I will update the wiki-pages soon.
Sincerely, DaB.