as you may have noticed, there is a shortage of spare time for the current toolserver admins, which means it takes a long time for requests to get done. i would like to add an additional admin (or several) to help the situation.
if you're interested, please drop me a mail. ideally, candidates will:
+ have been a member of a Wikimedia project for a long time, with some level of additional access (e.g. checkuser, OTRS, ...)
+ have an advanced knowledge of Unix (at least several years experience)
+ have experience with Linux or Solaris system administration in a production environment (another Unix would be okay if you're willing to learn something new)
+ have experience with MySQL database administration
+ be available on the toolserver IRC channel to help users (this isn't a requirement, but it would be helpful)
+ experience with these products/technologies would be an advantage: Apache; JIRA; PostgreSQL; Sun Web Server; Sun Directory Server / LDAP; GlassFish; Kerberos; StorageTek SAM-QFS; Veritas.
the job of a toolserver admin is to:
+ process user requests in the TS and SUPPORT projects in JIRA + create new user accounts + make sure the toolserver systems are working acceptably (for example, resolving performance problems with the system or broken tools) + participate in discussions about the future of the toolserver (for example, what hardware to buy, what additional services to offer, etc.)
please, no CVs (but a short description of your background/experience is fine). anyone who is accepted will be required to provide the Wikimedia office with proof of their real-life identity; please don't apply if you're not comfortable with that.
as this is a volunteer position, the amount of time you put into it is entirely up to you; but at a minimum, you should be willing to spend at least a couple of hours each week on the toolserver.
- river.