today we have run a little bit short of disc-space on the /home-partition. I searched for files with more than 500MB, hoping to find some old log-files that I could delete before I tell you to clean-up. What I found was upsetting: The biggest log-file I found was 74GB(!) big and several others were also dozen of GB big. I deleted them all (a list can be found at [1]).
Guys, what is so hard to check from time to time a big a logfile is and truncate it? Do I really have to speed-up the re-installation of the quota- system so that you all have 256MB per default and angry mails are send if you use more?
So please: Use the weekend to log into your toolserver-account, check how much disc-space your use (use "du -hs your(sub)directoryhere" for that) and look if you can do some clean-up. If everything is ok and you still use 5GB of disc- space: no problem, if you need it, take it.
I will contact the top10-disc-users on Monday by email.
Sincerely, DaB.
* [1] https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/MNT-1252