Hello all,
for historical reasons s2 and s5 are together on one host (cassia). Because cassia is quite overloaded, the sharing will end soon and I will move s2 away. For this I need your help because s2 and s5 share also the user-databases and there is not hint which user-database is needed where. So if you use user-databases for joining with s2 (two!) please add the name of the user-database to [1] until
Friday, 8. February 18:00 UTC.
It will take only a few minutes to add your user-databases there, so please do it. If you do not your user-databases there your tools will break after the split, but of course that can be fixed later.
Sincerely, DaB.
[1] https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/User:Dab/s2-userdatabaes